Dyslexia Guild Annual Online Conference - 2 July 2025

This form will allow you to register and for The Dyslexia Guild Online Summer Conference being held on Wednesday 2 July 2025.

Please read the following information carefully before clicking on the register now button:

1. If you are a Guild member please ensure that you are logged in to your guild member account prior to starting this booking (the Guild member discount will be applied automatically, please note the discount cannot be applied in retrospect)

2. If you are one of our staff members or a Fellow of the Guild please contact guild@dyslexiaaction.org.uk for your free attendance code before registering  (terms may apply)

3. Payment by invoice upfront (select the 'pay later' option)
Book by 28 May if you require an invoice upfront.
Please note:
-an additional charge of £25+VAT will be added to the invoice if you select this payment type
-all payments must be received no later than 25 June.

4. Payment by debit/credit card  option
Book by 29 June if paying online at the time of registration by debit/credit card.

*Join The Guild 
Please note: if you join the Guild to receive the members' conference rate you must join and have confirmation of your membership BEFORE you register for the conference using this form, the discount cannot be applied in retrospect.

How will I gain access to the conference?
Within one business week of completing your registration, and once payment is received, you will be sent an email containing a link to access the conference via Zoom.

2nd July, 2025 from 10:00 AM to  4:15 PM
United Kingdom
Phone (Landline): +44 (0)1784 222342
Conference Fee(s)
Conference Fee £ 138.00 (includes VAT of £ 23.00)
Event terms and conditions
Enable terms and Conditions Acceptance Yes
Checkbox Position Bottom of form
Checkbox text I accept the terms and conditions.
Terms and Conditions File /sites/default/files/Terms and Conditions Guild Conference 2025 v1-1.pdf
Link Label Click here to view the terms and conditions.
Introduction Please read and accept the terms and conditions.