Guild Membership - Associate, Member or Practitioner grades

STEP 1 - Important information:

1.  Login/Register 
2. After you log in refresh/reload this page.

If you experience difficulties, please contact us at or 01784 222342.

STEP 2 - Further information to read before you complete the form:

  • All boxes marked with an * asterisk are compulsory
  • Please enter other information where possible as this enables us to provide you relevant member benefits and upgrades where applicable
  • If you are seeking a Grade of Membership with designatory letters (Associate, Member or Practitioner) you must upload relevant SpLD certificates and a copy of your Curriculum Vitae (please note this is not required for renewals unless you have gained further relevant SpLD non Dyslexia Action qualifications)
  • You will be given a link after registration to fill complete further information regarding your Educational History
  • There is an upload limit of 8MB on this form, if your uploads combined are higher than this limit, please email them individually to 
  • Please read The Dyslexia Guild Code of Practice

STEP 3 - Payment


  • Direct Debit payment is £12.00 cheaper (cost including VAT is £74.40) but is only available to individuals with a UK Bank Account
  • Choosing this option may delay your membership start date
  • To pay by Direct Debit, please complete this form  (choosing this option will mean membership will auto renew on an annual basis, cancellations must be made by email to: )

INVOICE REQUIRED: Please complete this form,

  • Once the invoice has been received, payments can be made by cheque or Bank Transfer/BACS
  • Choosing this option may delay your membership start date
  • Please note that there will be a £30 (Incs. VAT) admin charge if you select this option


  • To make a payment by Credit or Debit Card continue to complete the form below.
New Guild Membership Sign-up Page


Total Amount
Please enter a Username to create an account. If you already have an account please login before completing this form.
Payment Details
If you select Employer or Other, please complete the following 5 fields.
Billing Name and Address
Guild Membership Application Form (not FDG)
Please upload your relevant qualification certificates in the boxes provided.
Please read the Code of Practice.